Monitor - ISSN 1472-0221
The Newsletter for PC-Based Data Acquisition and Control
Issue 227, July 2017
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* Your Data Acquisition Questions Answered
* Excel Corner
* Data Acquisition News Round-up
Your Data Acquisition Questions Answered
A few months ago I purchased an 851-PH data logger from yourselves.
The unit was opened and tested, found to be working fine and then returned to its box. It has remained unopened since then.
I have no use for the unit at all now, and as stated it was hardly used. I am trying to reduce the amount of technical clutter that I own as I have lost my job and am going to be moving house soon. So I am enquiring as to whether you would like the unit back? I have no other options as to how to dispose of or sell the unit. Would you be in a position to make an offer on purchasing it back (subject to inspection etc)?
Please have a think about this and let me know. I'm really not after money, it's just that I'd really rather not chuck it away!
Although our "cooling off" period, where units can be returned if they are not suitable, has passed, in this case we are happy to consider a refund. You need to return the ML 851-PH unit to us where one of our engineers will test it. If no fault is found then we will refund the cost.
Excel Corner: Fast Functions
The AutoSum button is a neat little time-saver.
If you position your cursor in an empty cell under a column of data, click the AutoSum button and select a function from the AutoSum list, Excel will automatically use the range of cells above up to the first non-numeric cell.
For more Excel tips see
DAQ News Round-up
Welcome to our round-up of the data acquisition and control news. If you would like to receive more timely DAQ news updates then follow us on Twitter - @DataAcquisition - or grab our rss feed.
Sailing drones are collecting data from the Arctic to the tropics
Over the next four months, NOAA scientists will launch unmanned ocean vehicles, called Saildrones, from the Arctic to the tropical Pacific Ocean to help better understand how changes in the ocean are affecting weather, climate, fisheries and marine mammals. The wind and solar-powered research vehicles will travel thousands of miles across the ocean, reaching some areas never before surveyed with such specialised technology.
Source: SCUBA News
Air Pollution Control Equipment Market To Reach US$21B by 2021
Global demand for air pollution control equipment topped $13.3 billion in 2015 and is projected to reach nearly $21 billion by 2021. According to a report by BCC Research
Source: BCC Research
Screaming gel balls reveal a way to power soft but noisy robots
A viral video of gel beads bouncing and squealing in a hot frying pan has led to the discovery that hydrogels slapping against a hot surface can generate substantial kinetic energy. This could give a power boost to bots made of such materials.
Source: New Scientist
Optical coating provides indication of concrete stress
New types of concrete can use up plastic waste, but their fracturing properties are not well known. A new coating solves this using light reflection to identify areas of stress.
Source: The Engineer
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As a thank you for subscribing we offer you the ComDebug data logging and Com port trouble-shooting software. Log data over RS232, RS422, RS485 or Modbus. Also included is a month's trial of the Windmill 7 logging, charting and control programs.
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