Monitor - ISSN 1472-0221
The Newsletter for PC-Based Data Acquisition and Control
Issue 243, December 2018
Welcome to Monitor - our complements of the season to you and best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year.
Any comments or questions email You can download this issue as a pdf file from

* Your DAQ Questions Answered
* Measurement and Control Exhibitions
* Data Acquisition News Round-Up
Your Data Acquisition Questions Answered
Web link:
I'm using Windmill with the Microlink 751 data acquisition unit. How do I control the digital out ports based on the analogue inputs?
To do this you use the SetupIML software. Simply set alarm thresholds for each analogue input and link these to the digital output which you want to switch. You can choose two thresholds for each alarm, and select a different digital output to be triggered for each. This lets you, for example, automatically switch off a heater when a temperature rises above a certain point and then switch it back on if the temperature falls below another threshold.
Start SetupIML and double-click the analogue input channel which you want to monitor. Now select the Alarms button and set your thresholds for switching the digital outputs.
Measurement and Control Exhibitions
The quarterly update of data acquisition and control exhibitions around the world.
Electrotest Japan
16-18 January 2019
Tokyo Japan
Specialising in test, inspection, measurement and analysis for electronics manufacturing and R and D.
Southern Manufacturing
5-7 February 2019
Farnborough UK
The latest products and services related to engineering, electronics and manufacturing
Industry Automation and Control 2019
20-23 February 2019
Mumbai India
Showcases the latest instruments, advanced automation technologies, process instrumentation, factory automation and digital technologies for chemical processing industries.
26-29 March 2019
Warsaw Poland
Trade fair for automation, control, measurement and robotics
M+R 2019
26-29 March 2019
Antwerp Belgium
The futureproof forum for process instrumentation
DAQ News Round-up
Welcome to our round-up of the data acquisition and control news. If you would like to receive more timely DAQ news updates then follow us on Twitter - @DataAcquisition - or grab our rss feed.
Swimming fish may improve the design of robots
The constant, seemingly random, movement of fish is actually gives them the best sensory feedback they can get to navigate the world. Building robots with better sensors would let them interact with their environment more cleverly and efficiently.
Source: SCUBA Travel
Living IoT system that replaces drones with bees
Bumblebee backpacks collect data as the bee goes about its business, enabling new capabilities in agricultural and environmental monitoring.
Source: University of Washington
European Robotics Sensors Market to See 12.0% Annual Growth Through 2023
Product innovation and central planning by the European Commission are factors helping to boost the robotic sensors market, according to a report by BCC Research.
Source: BCC Research
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