Monitor - ISSN 1472-0221
The Newsletter for Data Acquisition and Control
Issue 297 January 2024

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* Our sustainable data acquisition hardware
* Your DAQ Questions Answered: Logging and Charting Current Signals

Our sustainable data acquisition hardware

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We are delighted that Biodata, our company that makes the Microlink data acquisition hardware, have received a Bronze Award in Sustainability from the world's most trusted business sustainability ratings agency, Ecovadis.

Sustainability Award

Over 1000 enterprises - from the largest global brands to regional leaders and mid-size companies - rely on EcoVadis to assess and manage sustainability practices within their supply chain.

Environmental, social and ethical performance have always been key for our business.

EcoVadis sustainability awards are only presented to the top 35% of companies assessed. It compares a company's performance with all rated companies in their database over the previous 12 months. The percentile rank is calculated across all companies in all industries, not per industry. To be eligible, a company must achieve a minimum score of 30 in each theme.

We were rated good in all three sustainability assessment themes in which EcoVadis rated us: Environment, Labor and Human Rights and Ethics. The EcoVadis process validates our sustainability commitments, practices and performance, and offers a clear roadmap for how we can continue to increase our impact over time.

Seedlings metaphor for sustainability

These business sustainability ratings are based on international sustainability standards such as the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and the ISO 26000 standard. The ratings provide an evidenced-based analysis on performance.

For more information contact Read more about our Microlink hardware

Your DAQ Questions Answered: Logging and Charting Current Signals


"I would like to data log and chart of 4-20 mA signals (2 sets). Please guide me with the hardware(s) to do this. "


You could choose the Microlink 751 together with the Microlink 590-8A current connection box which connect to the computer over USB. Alternatively, you can instead connect over Ethernet or Internet using the Microlink 851. They both let you monitor, amongst other things, 8 current inputs and 8 voltage inputs. Both systems come with Windmill software for logging and charting. More details at

Microlink 751
The Microlink 751 can measure current, strain, voltage, temperature or pressure; switch up to 32 digital outputs; monitor up to 32 digital inputs and count events.

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