Windmill Software Ltd
Windows Engineering Software

August 2005

The Newsletter for PC-Based Data Acquisition and Control
Issue 85         August 2005
--------------------ISSN 1472-0221----------------------

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* Windmill Notes: 
  Interfacing a Parallax BS2-IC BASIC Stamp
* Spreadsheet Corner: DDE and OpenOffice
* Data Acquisition and Control Exhibitions

Windmill Notes: 
Interfacing a Parallax BS2-IC BASIC Stamp

The BASIC Stamp is noted for the ease it has brought to 
resolving control technology problems. Its use of the 
BASIC language with inbuilt control instructions can 
dramatically shorten industrial development time. The 
Windmill software can read ASCII data and you can 
configure it to pass readings directly to an application 
like Excel. The BS2-IC debug statement is additionally 
useful here because it makes it easy to format ASCII 
data in a manner that's applicable to both Windmill's 
and Excel's requirements. Exploiting the situation to 
the full turns the BS2-IC into a Windmill multi-channel 
datalogging instrument. 

To use Windmill to collect data from the Stamp you 
need one of our serial drivers. The latest, 
Windmill 6 COMIML, is the easiest to use
Alternatively, you can download an earlier version 
of the driver (LabIML 4.3) for free. This version 
will also regularly save data for you.

There are three basic steps to setting up data 
1. Run the Windmill ConfIML program (Windmill 4.3) or 
   ComDebug (Windmill 6) and enter the stamp's 
   communication settings. 
2. Run the Windmill SetupIML program and choose a name 
   and units for your data. 
3. Run the Windmill DDE Panel, Logger or Chart program to 
   save or display data from your hardware. 

After you have entered your configuration settings with 
ConfIML (or ComDebug) and SetupIML, you don't need to use 
these again and can go straight to the logging and 
display programs. 


Run the Windmill ConfIML or ComDebug program

This detects and saves a record of the hardware you 
want to use.

Windmill 4.3: ConfIML

In ConfIML you need to add the LabIML ASCII 
instrument handler and enter your instrument's 
communication settings. To do this press the Add button. 

1. Select LabIML RS232 ASCII Instrument Handler. 

2. Type a name for the Stamp, a description and enter 
   how many channels of data you will be collecting. 
   The name and description can be anything you like. 
   Each channel holds one type of data item: for example 
   temperature measurements. Press OK.

3. Enter your instrument's settings. If your Stamp 
   program regularly sends data, these settings should 

   Reading Protocol: Continuous
   Timeout: 10000
   Instrument Idle or Wait Time: 0 
   Returned Message Length: Count how many characters 
   are in the Stamp's message - this depends on your 
   Stamp's program.
   Instrument Initialisation String: Leave blank.

4. Extracting Data

   You now need to define how to extract data.  In 
   ConfIML press the Channels button. What you enter 
   here depends on your Stamp program. Let's assume 
   that the BS2-IC produces an output of ASCII strings 
   that range from "-55.0" to "+120.0" with a leading 
   sign character, a trailing carriage return to mark 
   the end of data and a maximum length of seven 
   characters. In this case to extract the data you 
   could ignore characters until meeting a "+" or "-", 
   then extract everything until the carriage return. 
   This looks like:

5. The next step is to enter your communications settings.
   Baud rate: 9600
   Data bits: 8
   Parity: none
   Flow control: none.

6. Save your settings. 


Run the Windmill SetupIML program

Here you can name your channel of data, set their units, 
any alarms and so on.

1. From the Device menu select LabIML (or COMIML for 
   Version 6). 

2. Your data channels will be shown as a numbers like
   this: 10000. Double click this channel. 

3. Type name for your channel and make sure 
   "Enable for Input" is checked. If you want to change 
   the units enter an appropriate scale and offset. For 
   example, to convert Celcius to Farhenheit you would 
   set 1.8 as the scale and 32 as the offset.

4. Save your settings in a *.ims file and close SetupIML. 


Open Windmill DDE Panel, Logger or Chart

1. From the File menu select Load Hardware Setup and 
   choose the *.ims file you just saved. 

2. Connect your channels. You should see the 
   updating data values in DDE Panel, Logger or Chart. 


Getting the data into Excel

You can use the Windmill Logger program to collect data, 
and after collection has finished import it into Excel. 
Alternatively, you can collect data with Excel in real-time. 
For more details see

It isn't just Excel you can use, data collected by Windmill 
can be fed into most spreadsheet or analysis programs.  
For example the OpenOffice spreadsheet detailed below.


Further Reading

Interfacing a Parallax BS2-IC BASIC Stamp

Application Example: Teaching Technology

For Basic Stamp documentation see

Spreadsheet Corner: OpenOffice

Following our article last month on the OpenOffice
spreadsheet, here we take things a step further and 
give an example of a simple macro to read live data and 
store it in OpenOffice.

OpenOffice is a free spreadsheet that runs under Windows. 

Using Macros for Analysis and Control with OpenOffice

This is a simple example of how a macro can read data 
from one channel connected to the Windmill DDE Panel, 
and place it into a cell in the OpenOffice spreadsheet

1. Load Windmill DDE Panel and start collecting data 
   from your instrument.
2. Load OpenOffice with a clean sheet, and then select 
   menu item Tools.Macros.Macro.
3. Click the Edit button.
4. Paste the following code.

Sub Main
' Opens a DDE conversation with the Windmill DDE 
' Panel using the Service Name "Windmill" and the  
' Topic Name "Data"
ddeChan = DDEInitiate("Windmill", "data")
' Requests data from a channel called Tank_Temp.
myData = DDERequest(ddeChan, "Tank_Temp")
oCellRange = ThisComponent.Sheets.Sheet1.getCellRangeByName("A1")
 ThisComponent.CurrentSelection.FormulaLocal = myData
' Closes the DDE conversation.
DDETerminate (ddeChan)
End Sub

For more on using OpenOffice with Windmill see

To download a free copy of OpenOffice go to

Data Acquisition Exhibitions and Conferences

Here are the next set of exhibitions dedicated to data 
acquisition and control.

  Helsinki Finland
  6-8 September
  One of the foremost automation fairs in Northern 
  Europe. Sectors covered include: process automation, 
  remote systems, automation engineering and information 
  systems in industry.

  Shanghai China
  15-18 September
  International fair for measurement, instrumentation and 

  Dublin Ireland
  20-22 September
  For all those involved in the chemical, pharmaceutical, 
  processing and medical devices industries.  Content 
  includes production equipment, instrumentation, 
  environmental management systems, automation systems, 
  safety equipment, packaging and handling technology.

Interkarma India
  Delhi India
  1-3 October
  International trade fair for industrial automation.

Instrumentation South
  Reading UK
  5-6 October
  Covers all aspects of the uses in industry of test, 
  measurement, data acquisition and control.

ISA Expo
  Chicago USA
  25-27 October
  The premier automation and control conference and 
  exhibition in North America.  Featuring analytical 
  equipment, test and measurement instruments, industrial 
  networks, control systems, and so on.

Design Engineering Show
  Birmingham UK
  4-6 October 
  Claims to provide everything to enable a company to 
  specify, design, engineer, make and test new product 

Smart Automation Austria
  Linz Ustria
  5-7 October
  Trade fair for industrial automation.

  Stockholm Sweden
  18-21 October
  Industrial automation exhibition held every two years.

Automation Fair
  St Louis USA
  16-17 November
  Focuses on advanced automation products, integrated 
  control and information architecture, valued-add services 
  and solutions.

* Copyright Windmill Software Ltd
* Reprinting permitted with this notice included
* For more articles see

We are happy for you to copy and distribute this 
newsletter, and use extracts from it on your own web site 
or publication, providing the above notice is 
included and a link back to our website is in place.

An archive of previous issues is at
and an index of articles at

Windmill Software Ltd, PO Box 58, North District Office,
Manchester, M8 8QR, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)161 834 6688
Facsimile: +44 (0)161 833 2190


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