Windmill Data Acquisition Software Logo
29 September 2023

Windmill Software
Data Acquisition Intelligence
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Download Help Files and Manuals for Windmill Software and Microlink Hardware

You can download the latest Help files and Manuals for our products. Select an item in the Help or Manual column and save to your Windmill folder. With Windows 7, 8, 10 or later, you will need to unblock the Help. In your Windmill folder right-click the file name, choose Properties and Unblock. Alternatively, in the Open File-Security Warning dialog box which appears before you can open the Help, click to clear the Always ask before opening this file check box then click Open.

SoftwareWindmill Help File or Manual
Windmill AnalogOut anout.chm
Windmill Blackboard Windmill Blackboard Manual
Windmill Chart Wmchart.chm
Windmill COMIML and ComDebug Serial Driver (Modbus, RS232, RS485, TCP/IP) comdebug.chm
Windmill ConfIML confiml.chm
Windmill DDE Panel wmdde.chm
Windmill DigitalOut digout.chm
Windmill Graphics wmgraph.chm
Windmill Harvester imldde.chm
Windmill IML Tools Windmill IML Tools Manual
Windmill Logger logger.chm
Windmill Real Time Data Server for Excel Windmill RTDS Manual
Windmill Replay replay.chm
Windmill Replay Manual
Windmill SetupIML setupiml.chm
Windmill SigGen imsiggen.chm
Windmill Streamer streamer.chm
Windmill Test-Seq
Hardware Manual
Windmill 750 Windmill 750 User Manual
Windmill with Microlink 75x USB Hardware imlml75x.chm
751 User Manual
751-SG User Manual
752 User Manual
Windmill with Microlink 770 USB Hardware
770 User Manual
Windmill with Microlink 840 Data Logger 840 User Manual
Windmill with Microlink 851 Data Logger imlml85x.chm
851 User Manual
Windmill with Microlink 826 Utility Meter Monitors
826 User Manual

Is the Help Good Enough?

Did the Help let you quickly find what you wanted? Was the explanation clear? Have you any questions? Tell us any improvements we could make to our Help files.
