28 May 2012

The Newsletter for PC-Based Data Acquisition and Control
Issue 166            May 2012
--------------------ISSN 1472-0221----------------------

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Monitor Newsletter

* Windmill News: Interfacing an 
  Adam 4018 Thermocouple Input Module
* COM port settings
* Excel Corner: Closing All Open Worksheets
* DAQ News Round-up

Windmill Notes: Interfacing an 
Adam 4018 Thermocouple Input Module

The latest addition to the list of instruments interfaced 
by Windmill, is the Adam 4018 Thermocouple Input Module 
from Advantec. You can use an RS485 to RS232 converter 
to connect the module to the computer.

To log and chart data from the Adam 4018, download 
Windmill and enter these settings.

COM Port Settings:
  Baud Rate:    9600
  Data Bits:    8
  Parity:       None
  Stop Bits:    1
  Flow Control: None

Data Format:
  Prompt String: #000<CR>
  This command asks for analogue input data from 
  module address 00, channel 0, where <CR> is a 
  carriage return.

  Example data string:	
  The module will send back a reply in the format
  To extract just the reading, including the +/- sign, use 
  Ignore Until +-
  Extract Until <CR>

Instrument Timings:
  Read:                  Directly
  Timeout:               5000 ms
  Instrument Idle or Wait Time:  500 ms
  Data Persistence Time: 5000 ms
For more information see

For how to use Windmill with other serialinstruments see

For more on RS232 connections see below and

Making Measurements through the COM Port

You can connect many different types of industrial and 
scientific instruments to computers via their COM ports. 
Doing so lets you automatically transfer data directly 
into logging, charting, spreadsheet, database and other 
display and analysis programs. 

To achieve this you need some driver software to read 
the data arriving at the port. You can download a free 
trial of Windmill software.

When using any serial driver you will need to tell the 
software about the communication settings used by your 
instrument. These include COM port number, baud rate, 
parity, data bits and stop bits.


Most Common Settings

The most commonly used settings for serial devices are...
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bit: 1
Flow Control: None

Read on for an explanation of these and other 
COM port terms.


COM Port Number

You need to tell the software into which port you 
have plugged your instrument. If your computer does not 
have any COM ports, or you have more devices than you 
have ports, you can easily add a USB-serial adaptor 
(more details at


Baud Rate

In serial communications - such as through the 
COM port - messages are sent 1 bit after another. 
The baud rate specifies how frequently the bits are 
sent. The instrument and the computer must 
both communicate at the same rate. The driver software 
will always offer a choice of baud rates: pick the 
one matching your instrument's. If you can select the 
baud rate of your instrument it is best to choose a 
fast rate. This reduces the transmission times when s
ending and receiving messages. If the instrument is a 
long way from the computer and transmissions are 
unreliable, you may need to use a lower baud rate.

No matter how fast your connection - the maximum number 
of instrument readings per second depends on the software.


Data Bits

The stream of bits received at the COM port is 
interpreted in groups of (usually) 7 or 8 bits. 
Each group represents a piece of information. It is 
obviously important that the instrument and the 
computer concur on the number of data bits in a 
group. You will have to consult your instrument's 
manual to find out how many data bits it uses. 
If you are unsure, set the driver software to the 
more commonly used 8 data bits.



Parity is the state of being either odd or even. 
In serial communications parity may be used to check 
for errors in the transmission of data. When performing 
a parity check, the instrument or PC sending messages 
counts the number of 1's in a group of data bits. 
Depending on the result, the value of another bit - 
the Parity Bit - is set. The device receiving the data 
also counts the 1's and checks whether the Parity Bit 
is as it should be.

To perform a parity check the computer and the instrument 
must obviously agree on how they are calculating the 
Parity Bit. Are they setting it on for an even or 
odd number of 1's? When a device uses Even Parity, the 
data bits and the parity bit will always contain an even 
number of 1's. The reverse is true for Odd Parity. For 
example, when Odd Parity is operating and the data bits 
contain 10010110 - we have four 1's so the parity bit 
will be on (set to 1) to make an odd number.

Two other parity options often available in driver 
software are Mark and Space. These aren't effective in 
error checking. Mark means the device always sets the 
Parity Bit to 1 and Space always to 0.

Parity is a rudimentary error checking mechanism. It 
can detect an error in transmitting 1 bit, but if 2 bits 
happened to be wrong it would not pick this up. It also 
provides no help as to which bit is wrong. Other error 
checking mechanisms include the Start and Stop Bits 
described below, and cyclic redundancy checks which are 
often used in Modbus communications.

Consult your instrument's manual to determine its parity 
settings - if in doubt start by setting parity to "none". 
No Parity Bit will be sent.


Start and Stop Bits

Communication through the COM port is asynchronous. This 
means that data is sent intermittently and not at 
predetermined intervals. A device must therefore be able 
to determine the start and end of a message. It accomplishes 
this by Start and Stop Bits. The start bit precedes the 
data bits. The stop bit follows either the parity bit if 
present, or the data bits.

The data line has two states - on and off. An idle line is 
always on. When the instrument or computer wants to send 
data it sets the line to off - this is the Start Bit. The 
bits immediately after the start bit are therefore the 
data bits.

The Stop Bit is present to allow the instrument and computer 
to re-synchronise should anything go wrong: noise on the line 
masking the start bit for example. The period of time between 
the start and stop bit is constant, according to the baud rate 
and number of data and parity bits. The stop bit is always on. 
If the receiver detects an off value when the stop bit should 
be present, it knows there has been an error.

The stop bit is not actually 1 bit but a minimum length of time 
the line must be on at the end of each data transmission. On PCs 
this is normally equal to 1 or 2 bits, and you must specify 
this in the driver software. Although 1 stop bit is most common, 
selecting 2 will at worst slow the message down slightly. 
(You might see an option to set the stop bit to 1.5. This is 
only used when the number of Data Bits is less than 7. If this 
is the case then ASCII characters cannot be transmitted and so 
1.5 is rarely used.)


Flow Control (Handshaking)

Unless you know differently, when connecting the instrument 
to the PC it is best to start with the assumption that flow 
control is not required.

If you start with no flow control what symptoms might 
indicate that it really is needed?. One possibility is 
that the instrument misses part of a message sent by the 
computer. This will probably cause the instrument not to 
work properly.

If flow control is required it will most commonly be 
Xon \ Xoff (software). 

Excel Corner: Closing All Open Worksheets

To close all worksheets at once, but leave Excel open:
1. Hold down the shift key on the keyboard and select 
   Excel's File menu.
2. Choose the Close All option which has appeared.

For more Excel tips and tricks, see

DAQ News Round-up

Welcome to our round-up of the data acquisition and 
control news.  If you would like to receive more 
timely DAQ news updates then either grab our RSS 
newsfeed at 
follow us on Twitter at!/DataAcquisition

Robotic fish shoal sniffs out pollution in harbours
   Autonomous robotic fish designed to sense marine 
   pollution, have taken to the open waves for the first 
   time.  Working in a group, the fish can cover a 
   1 km-square region of water, down to a depth of 
   30 metres.  They communicate with each other and a 
   nearby base-station using very low-frequency sound 
   waves, which can penetrate the water more easily 
   than radio waves.
   Source: New Scientist

Meter enables cost-effective monitoring of energy usage
   A new device could help manufacturers monitor their 
   energy usage more cost-effectively using technology 
   originally created for washing machines. The new 
   meter uses a 3D sensor, originally developed to 
   monitor the position of washing-machine drums, that 
   measures the magnetic field created by an electric 
   current in the parallel direction as well as the 
   perpendicular, making it more accurate than 
   previous designs.
   Source: The Engineer

90 Million Homes Worldwide Will Employ Home Automation Systems by 2017
   New subscription-based home automation offerings 
   are rapidly transforming the way consumers will 
   monitor, secure, and control their homes. 
   Source: ABI Research
Food, Water Safety Provide New Challenges for Today's Sensors
   Sensors that work flawlessly in laboratory settings 
   may stumble when it comes to performing in real-world 
   conditions, according to researchers. While sensors 
   are becoming increasingly sophisticated, little or no 
   field testing has been reported.
   Source: Newswise
New Point for Dew Point
   The Physical Measurement Laboratory has devised a 
   new humidity generator that enables dew-point 
   measurements up to 98 °C – a substantial extension 
   above the previous limit of 85 °C – and provides 
   expanded calibration services for hygrometers in a 
   variety of industries.
   Source: NIST

* Copyright Windmill Software Ltd
* Reprinting permitted with this notice included
* For more articles see

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newsletter, and use extracts from it on your own web site 
or publication, providing the above notice is 
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An archive of previous issues is at
and an index of articles at

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Manchester, M8 8QR, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)161 834 6688
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